Friday, March 11, 2016

Lab 1: Generating base maps for the Confluence Project

Nathan Sylte
GIS 335
The Confluence Project


The Confluence Project is a proposed development that will include a new community arts center, university housing, and a commercial retail complex (Confluence Project Area) . Downtown Eau Claire at the confluence of the Chippewa and Eau Claire Rivers is the location where the new arts center is set to be built. The arts center will include classrooms, studios, offices, galleries, and several performance spaces (About Confluence Project ). Overall, the Confluence Project is an exciting proposition for the University of Eau Claire as well as the City of Eau Claire.

The background for this project involved taking on the role of an intern at Clear Vision Eau Claire. Clear Vision Eau Claire is a company that is collaborating with the Confluence Project and the City of Eau Claire to use geographic information systems to construct the Confluence Project.

There were several goals for this project. One was to gain familiarity with multiple spatial data sets that are used in public land management, land use, and administration. Another important objective was to generate base maps for the Confluence Project. Overall this project will lead to a better understanding of geographic information systems.


To start the project, I previewed the databases that were to be used for the project. Once I was familiar with the databases, I focused on the location of the Confluence Project site. This was done by using parcel areas and digitizing the areas that are to become the sites of the project. The digitized area was then used as a feature class called proposed site and was used in the maps.

After the sites were digitized, I learned more about the public land survey system. This was done to obtain a better overall understanding and to generate a better map. The PLSS Quarter Quarter feature class was then added to the map for later use.

Next, a legal description was generated for the parcel sites of the Confluence Project. The legal area was viewed on Eau Claire's property and assessment search website (Mapping Services ).

The final objective was to create a map representing important base data crucial for the Confluence Project. A total of six maps were generated. Represented in these maps are civil divisions, census boundaries, PLSS, parcels, zoning information, and voting districts. The centerlines and water feature classes were also added to several of the maps. An aerial imagery base map was added to all of the six maps, and the features were made transparent to view the base map.


The results of the project are represented by the six maps below displayed as Figure 1.

Figure 1. Six maps displaying the necessary information needed for the Confluence Project. Civil Divisions, Census Boundaries, PLSS Features, EC City Parcel Data, Zoning, and Voting Districts are represented in the six maps.


City of Eau Claire, Wisconsin : Mapping Services. (2016). Retrieved from
"Eau Claire Confluence Project | Community Involvment Collaboration." Eau Claire Confluence Project | Community Involvment Collaboration. Eau Claire Regional Arts Center, n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2014.
"Frequently Asked Questions: The Confluence Project." Frequently Asked Questions: The Confluence Project. University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, 22 July 2014. Web. 28 Sept. 2014.